Artist - Sculptor
Nov’arte offers at the customers home precious limited edition works of art created by artists of international fame and made with techniques and procedures that are the expression of the highest tradition of Italian art: internationally known works and appreciated by the most prestigious collectors and by the most important civil and religious institutions. If you are interested in purchasing a work of art our customer service is happy to assist clients in the stages that lead to the purchase of the desired work.
NOV’ARTE ITALIA is the awareness of how important it is today promoting the expressions of the creativity of our country characterized by centuries of leadership in the field of art.
“We aim the goal, therefore, to bring in every single family, emotions and values through beauty“.
The artists
Do not hesitate to contact us for any information.
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Company Info
Prolungamento via Fratelli Spinelli
angolo via Vecchia Mola snc, Turi (BA) 70110 – Italia
+39 080.3322316